Monthly Archives: September 2022
This is something I don’t think I have ever done – taken credit for a photo I took for work.
As many of you know, I work at a motorcycle dealership, an industry that I’ve been in for coming up on 9 years. Part of my job at the moment is marketing for the dealership, which gives me the opportunity to put my skills as a photographer to use.
One of the cool things that happens at a dealership, especially a larger dealership, is being visited by a Demo Truck loaded with new machines for both customers and employees to ride and experience. So when I pulled in to the parking lot this morning with a beautiful big blue semi parked in front of the store, I recognized that it would be a perfect opportunity to use my wide angle zoom lens. This is a non-standard crop to suit the subject.
EXIF: ISO 200 32mm f/8.0 1/160

This place has fascinated me for years, and for a while I drove by it daily. About a year ago I posted a video taken from my drone, you can find it here. This photo was taken from the side of Rt. 29, through a gap in the trees that allows a view without being obstructed by the fence. It drops of rather sharply right on the other side of the safety barrier.
I was sort of taken by surprise that the large series of spidery-looking structures that were featured in my video were not there, or at least not where they were. A quarry is obviously a constantly changing site, with different areas in different stages all the time. I don’t know enough about it to speak to it, but I at least understand that it always changes.
I visited today specifically because I am pursuing the #onemonthonelens challenge, and what better place to show what a wide angle lens can do than a massive hole in the ground. To give an idea of scale, the dump truck left center is the same model as the one in the foreground.
EXIF: ISO 200 17mm f/4.0 1/500 sec.