If you’ve been following along, fantastic, thank you! You should skip to the next paragraph. I managed to post a new photo every day in September except for what, 3 days? That’s actually pretty demanding for someone who has a full-time job that doesn’t involve photography. It’s been good, and bad. I pushed myself, which is good, but sometimes I took photos, and published them, just for the sake of doing so. This is bad. As I have confided in a very small group of people until now, I put my name on my photos, which means I put my Dad’s name on my photos, and I put Pappy’s name on my photos. I won’t be compromising what I put our name on again.
As a refresh, September was all about the Canon 17-40mm f/4.0L lens. I shot some photos that were obvious choices for it – wide angle shots covering a lot of real estate. Broad landscapes, big buildings, vehicles from up close. I also took some shots that I wouldn’t have thought of a month ago – notably the farmer’s market shots that are maybe my favorites from the month. This lens offers an interesting perspective that I will certainly explore further in the future.
So for October, my goal will be to post 2 photos I can be proud of each week. Since I have my calendars set up for the week to start on Monday and end on Sunday, I just bought myself some time to start October off right! Tomorrow I will reveal what lens is going on next – it’s going to be an interesting change!
Thanks for following along!
PS – My favorite posted photo? The one I planned out the most and worked the hardest for.